Learn From The Experts

Webinar Replay: Advances in Pedal Intervention for Difficult CLTI Patients: How Serration Angioplasty Makes a Difference
Drs. Peter Schneider, Edward Gifford, & Mike Watts

WEBINAR: Serranator for ATK & BTK Interventions
Drs. Brodmann, Lichtenberg, Wissgott, & Zeller

Delivering Durability and Value
Ted Gifford, MD
Hartford HealthCare

Serranator Application in CLI
Jon George, MD
University of Pennsylvania

Achieving Luminal Gain in BTK
Vincent Varghese, DO
Deborah Heart and Lung Center

Serranator and Plaque Modification
Sarang Mangalmurti, MD
Bryn Mawr Hospital

Below the Ankle Treatment with Serranator
Nicholas Petruzzi, MD
AMI Vascular Institute

Importance of Flow down to the Foot
Ted Gifford, MD
Hartford HealthCare

Serration Technology Applied to Angioplasty
Peter Schneider, MD
University of California San Francisco

Adding Value in the OBL
Micah Watts, MD FSIR
Vascular Institute of AMI

Serranator Benefit After Atherectomy
Multiple Physicians

Serranator with Drug-Coated Balloons
Multiple physicians